
Meet Sanne, mother of two wild young boys, Skipper & Wick and the owner/artist behind Atelier Preserve in San Diego.

The combination of growing up in Europe with Dutch innovation, working in a creative design industry for the past 15 years in Los Angeles and San Diego and becoming a mother has brought me here.

During my pregnancy this idea of transforming important live moments into 3D planted a seed in my head. After I made my own 3D pregnancy sculpture it became the most cherished piece of art that I own and this gave me the empowerment I needed in life, to feel whole as Sanne and to be the best mother I can be for my children.

If I feel empowered with my own artwork, then all women will feel empowered if they have their own!

From capturing pregnancy milestones, illnesses, celebrations or for no reason at all, we are here to empower you in 3D. 

We hope to see you soon in our studio in San Diego, California to capture your special time in life.

